Tuesday, December 06, 2005

donning the invisibility cloak yet again

I have been in grad school for nearly a year and a half. Since I began I have scheduled 6 conferences with professors. And nearly every one of these conferences has been forgotten by the professor. The first one, the professor forgot and didn't show up. When we rescheduled the professor was 15 minutes late and spent most of the time responding to a piece of mail he had gotten that day. With another professor I arrived and he was with a walk-in and he got annoyed that I interrupted by knocking on the door so I waited and then he realized when the walk-in left that we did have a conference scheduled and he kind of apologized. THEN, when I went to do a conference with another professor the next semester who was also consulting an walk-in I didn't knock because I figured from previous experience that was rude. She got on my case when her walk-in left and I was waiting in the hall because I had not knocked to remind her I had an appointment. Last week I had a conference with my workshop prof and when I showed up she was very confused about my presence, thinking the conference was next week. And today as I was walking down the hall toward yet another conference I ran into the professor all bundled up on his way out. I mentioned the conference and he seemed confused. He was more than willing to go back to his office do the conference and for once I wasn't made to feel like it was my fault that someone else had forgotten me. I am very appreciative of that.

Back in Des Moines I had similar problems when scheduling Dr's appointments. And the same thing happened once when taking my mother to an appointment. I am not complaining about this, well not too much, I just think it's odd that this continuously happens to me.


Blogger Aaron said...

I found a link to your blog on my blog. I'm not sure how it got there. Who are you again?

December 07, 2005  
Blogger Amanda said...

well that's one less christmas present to buy. . .

December 07, 2005  
Blogger Aaron said...

Having you for a sister is gift enough. Seriously though, you're getting me something really cool, right?

December 07, 2005  

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