Thursday, February 16, 2006


Well we now know how to get Amanda drunk quick. Alas it is still expensive--damn my high tolerance and expensive tastes. And yeah I survived my first ever hangover. I'm still not feeling 100% but I will live. Honestly, I love a good buzz every once in a while, like Tuesday night, but really drinking is not that appealing to me. As long as I am around great people, I'm just as happy drinking cherry cokes.

So I didn't make it through work yesterday I pooped out one hour into it. I went home and slept for two or three hours, got up to email my workshop instructor and felt sad about missing class so I said "f" it and drove to school. That's how much I love my workshop. I'm not only willing to drag my butt out of bed for it but willing to pay to park just to make it in time (as opposed to the free near-hour train ride). And of course it was totally worth it. Workshop rocks.

Afterwards most of us went out--one of those great people and cherry coke nights for me--and for the first time in my life I got to brag about an amazing Valentine's date. And everyone was very tolerant of that too.

I havent done anything productive since the date, well outside of my responsibilties(I somehow lead a decent discussion with my comp class and of course the aforementioned workshop). But other than that I have not read or written anything since Tuesday night. Just too happy still. After lunch I will have to buckle down though and get it together.

I still have to post the specifics about tuesday night I know, but I want to post the few pix I took--which I plan on getting developed this weekend. Hopefully tomorrow.


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