Tuesday, February 07, 2006

In the Mood for Haiku

Even in Chicago--
hearing the trains go by--
I long for Chicago

Yeah so i ripped off Basho, sue me. No please don't I am broker than broke and just learned that I maxed out a credit card. Shit. I have never done that, ever. I'm not sure how it happened, and I am a little upset that it did. The scariest thing is how far below my limit I was as of the last bill. I am on a serious spending freeze. SERIOUS My biggest weakness lately has been books. It's probably time I start visiting the library again.

Anyway, that whole thing set me back a bit as I sat down to write and got the email from Amazon saying my payment was screwy. But, eventually I did write a poem. Our workshop assignment (should we choose to accept it) was to continue writing in the voice/style of the poem we workshopped last week or in response to a classmate's work. So I wrote another Haikuesque piece. And no, I don't mean the one above.

A few weeks back Aaron commented that, finally, I posted a poem on my blog, after being in an MFA program for a year and a half. Well, the only reason I even posted that was because it already existed in a public place. I don't really like the idea of posting my work here. Maybe in the future, if I have work I consider done. Right now, I only have a few pieces that really are "done." Perhaps next year while preparing my manuscript I will post pieces for perusal. Until then, I'll be all talk.

Anyway, now I am off to plan my class for tomorrow. I have my students reading The Spiral Staircase by Karen Armstrong. It was on the list of commonly used texts for the ethnographic model. I am not so sure why. . .

So far teaching is going really well this semester. I feel challenged by my students, and at times I feel like I am not giving them all I should. But every class is so satisfying that I should know better. Also, today I got my portfolio back from the comp director. I was very pleased with her comments and advice. And I feel pretty damn secure about keeping my position. Also, the thought of going on to composition studies has been planted in my mind. One more possibility. (thanks to Sean)

Also thanks to Sean it sounds like I will be having the best Valentine's day ever. . . Since I've never had a Valentine he doesn't need to try too hard, but I already know it's going to be awesome. yay for me and my perfect life.


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