Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I had no idea

Wow! I am pretty sure when New Horizons reaches Pluto in 2015 it will discover the 70's. I just never imagined one of our planets was a giant disco ball!

Thursday, August 03, 2006


blah blah blah

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Everything's coming up Milhouse!

Looka' me I'm in the duggout!!

Last week Sean & I went to Grinder Bash at Sox field. It was fun. See don't I look happy.

We got free food and got to hang out in the visitor clubhouse and in the Scout Seat Lounge. It woulda been even cooler if we got to chow down on all the munchies in the clubhouse:

I know I haven't posted much over the summer. Before I started working I was busy, doing nothing. And as we all know nothing comes from nothing so I had nothing to say. Now I am busy working. I just finished one of my jobs yesterday. I loved it, it was so much fun. I am now in the midst of my second job which I am loving even more. Plus it's nice to finally have a little money, no matter how little. Just to know I am getting paid makes things a little easier.

Also, over the last month I have been trying to lose some of my happy fat (since dating Sean I've gained a little, it happens). But I have lost about 10 pounds so far. It's not exactly melting from my middle but I know I have to be patient and it will take more than 10 pounds to really make a difference there anyway. Plus I already feel the benefits of eating better and exercising (semi) regularly. (no i haven't been very good about biking in this heat). But I know my blood pressure and pulse have improved--probably also due to the drastic cut in caffeine.

Otherwise I've just been hanging out. We've gone to a lot of Sox games, which are still fun even if they aren't doing so well lately. Also, Sean and I have been trying to make our season passes to Six Flags worth it. I never thought I would enjoy water parks so much. Oh yeah, and I have been reading, a lot. Way more than I usually read. I've torn through about 12 books in the last 3 weeks. (all prose, I am on a poetry diet for the next two weeks). It's been about half and half fiction and non. Lots of David Sedaris and Italo Calvino, some Yoshimoto, Marquez and Nabokov--all my faves.

I'm also looking around for books/essays for my classes that start this Fall. I don't think I have ever been so excited to start teaching again. I usually get nervous. But I am going back to Composition One which I really think is my niche. Plus I will be teaching Intro to College Writing, which I am really excited about. Yay for ending sentences with prepositions! As for the class I am teaching now, it is going really well. It's really small, only 7 students. And they are all really terrific. Every semester I feel like I am blessed with the best students. And I feel like I am back in the swing of it. Last semester felt off kilter and the semester before I never felt like I was doing enough for them. But it all feels right again.

Life is good.