So, I turned my thesis/manuscript in a little while ago. I am all but finished with my MFA. I essentially just have to get one last assignment to finish--a 15-20 page essay on the Objectivist poets--not to be confused with anything Ayn Rand related. Anyway, I have to get this paper written, teach six more classes, two of which will be just the students turning in papers then I am pretty much done. Other than that, I have graduation and our manifest reading, and that's about it. Then I will be busy having fun. We are going to the Damien Rice show Monday the 14th, see Spiderman 3 on the IMAX at some point that weekend, and the Cubs/Sox games at Wrigley the next weekend.
And Finally: Three weeks from right now I will be boarding a cruise ship in Miami to explore the Western Carribean for a few days. I am so excited I just made a paper chain to count down the days. Not just any paper chain, this paper chain is made from 24 lb, acid free, 100% cotton paper. No construction paper for this MFAer.